Funky and Odd Items You Can Compost

Knowing what you can and can’t compost at home is nifty information to have on hand. While most fruit and vegetable rinds and peels are a safe bet, here’s a list of lesser considered items that you might not have known are compostable:
-Cotton balls
-Already burnt matches
-Tea bags
-Coffee grinds
- Wine corks
-Paperback books (lining removed)
-Stale spices
-Hard bread
-Shredded mail
-Dryer lint
-Egg shells
-Pet and human hair
-Non-greasy pizza boxes
The truth is that so much of what goes to waste daily is packed to the brim with healthy nutrients that gardens love. By harnessing the power of compost and amendments, you can take any garden, big or small, to the next level and reap the rewards of such a simple addition.