What to Plant Your Plants In: Different Soil Types for Optimal Growth

Every clump of moist, brown dirt from the earth is the same, right?
Assuming the meaningful work of gardening and tending to plants, in any capacity, requires knowing which types of soil certain plants grow best in.
By the end of this blog, you’ll not only be familiar with 3 common soil types, but also have a good understanding of some of the best plants to grow in each.
Use this knowledge properly and reap the benefits of happier, healthier plants and less time maintaining your garden, no matter the size.
Essential Attributes of Soil
Soil is food for your garden and the stuff your plants spend their entire lives in. Soil can keep a garden resilient and strong, or be the cause of its demise. Below we’ve presented you with 3 of the best soil types to get acquainted with.
Soil delivers essential nutrients, air, and water to your plants, and the type of soil you use will affect everything from the moisture levels and drainage to the PH balance.
With any soil and plant combination you choose, you may need to add compost, sand, or other amendments depending on the texture and compactness of the soil type.
To locate healthy, local compost and amendments, head over to the America DIY shop and find a vendor near you.
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Loamy is a dependable, balanced soil and a favorite among gardeners and landscapers alike. Loamy is used to keep an array of gardens and lawns healthy and is composed of a mix of clay, silt, and sand.
Loamy offers both a higher PH level and an abundance of calcium, two critical components in creating the ideal environment for plants to thrive.
A higher PH level slightly above 6.0 establishes a balanced, acidic environment where plants and soil organisms can grow together. Calcium works in multiple ways to support healthy plant growth by balancing chemicals in the soil, reducing salt, helping retain water, and creating a looseness that allows oxygen to reach down to a plant’s roots.
While loamy retains moisture well, its loose, gritty texture creates a high amount of drainage. Too much drainage can gradually pull nutrients out of soil, so if you use loamy soil, you may need to supplement with compost from time to time.
What grows in loamy soil?
Berries, vegetables, and root crops like garlic, onions, carrots, potatoes, beets, and turnips all grow beautifully in loamy soil.
Peaty soil is a dark, buoyant, nutrient-rich soil that takes on a deep-toned color when wet. Peaty, like loamy, is an acidic soil that creates a good environment for plants to grow in and reduces the rate of decomposition.
Peaty is often mixed with compost as the two work together to boost plant health and growth.
The downside of peaty is that it can sometimes retain too much water, causing drainage issues in your garden. If you use peaty soil, plan to dig areas for water to drain around your garden.
What grows in peaty soil?
Leafy, edible greens like lettuce, arugula, and cabbage grow well in peaty soil, along with many of the same root crops that grow well in loamy soil.
Silty soil is a soft, velvety soil that holds moisture and is typically high in nutrients. Silty soil is a great addition to gardens, though it can become packed down quite easily which can become bad for healthy drainage.
Mixing silty soil with clay can help to balance out its structure and keep it from remaining too wet.
What grows in silty soil?
Perennial plants like hemerocallis, hibiscus, hosta, nepeta, salvia, and echinacea grow well in silty soil. Crop vegetables and certain trees, such as birch and willow trees, also grow well in silty soil.